Opening Hours : Monday to Friday - 10:00 to 18:00
Business and Technology (BT) Exam fee | £150.00 |
Management Accounting (MA) Exam fee | £150.00 |
Financial Accounting (FA) Exam fee | £150.00 |
Corporate and Business Law (LW-ENG); Exam fee | £165.00 |
FA1-Recording Financial Transactions Exam fee | £120.00 |
FA2-Maintaining Financial Records Exam fee | £120.00 |
FBT-Business and Technology Exam fee | £150.00 |
FMA-Management Accounting Exam fee | £150.00 |
FFA-Financial Accounting Exam fee | £150.00 |
MA1-Management Information Exam fee | £120.00 |
MA2-Managing Costs and Finance Exam fee | £120.00 |